Take Action with PPAA Kentucky!
We need your help! Help send all levels of government a message that we won't back down, and we won't go back. Join the fight for reproductive freedom. There are unique community building & volunteer opportunities all across Kentucky!
Virtual Events
Central Kentucky Events
Western Kentucky Events
Louisville Events
Share your story here anytime!
Do you live in Northern KY, SOCKY, or WKY? Want to start an PP Action Council in your area or a PP GenerationAction chapter at your local college or university? Contact me here!
Community Resources:
Our rights are being stripped away, leaving people scared and confused about how to access essential health care. Below you will find resources to help you locate the care you deserve.
Campaign for Southern Equality & KHJN’s Resource Guide for Families Impacted by SB 150
KHJN’s Trans Health Resource Page
KHJN’s Abortion Support Fund (Hotline Number: 1-855-576-4576)
Free Plan B & Resources from All Access EKY